Cicada Killers - 5 Things You Don't Know about Cicada Killers
You might have noticed some large wasps in your yard or on campus this summer. These wasps are known as cicada killers, identified by their size and their black abdomens with three yellow spots on either side, rather than stripes across the back. These insects do exactly what their name says—kill cicadas, a larger insect that has eyes set wide apart, thin wings and a unique song. The wasps are focused on the cicadas, leaving little threat to humans and other animals. We caught up with Rudy Mancke, naturalist-in-residence at the University of South Carolina, to learn more about the cicada killer wasps buzzing around the university's Horseshoe. What is the difference between the cicada killer wasps and regular wasps? "The cicada killer is not a social insect, meaning it does not instinctively protect a nest. Social wasps are typically aggressive because they are guarding their colony and nest. The cicada killer is a solitary wasp, which means these insects act as pr...